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Recent Movie Reviews

87 Movie Reviews

If this doesn't get an Oscar, we riot!!!

Aww, I liked this!
The animation style is so warm and cute!

Favorited and followed.

At least it's not a test animation like so many of the submissions clogging judgement right now.

Edit: Hamburger man make me chuckle as well.

Kutaykomiks responds:

You're technically right, but that doesn't really have much to do with the cartoon itself.

Edit: Yeah! Now THAT was in the cartoon!

Recent Game Reviews

19 Game Reviews

Man, this is fantastic!
I got some real Earthbound vibes from this in the sense that I really wanted to explore the whole map and see every little piece of dialogue.
That last dance contest is tough as a bitch though.

Fantastic game and I'd be thrilled to see more like it in the future!

I won!

Recent Audio Reviews

9 Audio Reviews

How did I not find this track sooner? It's fantastic!
I can imagine a really freakin' sweet Sega Genesis platformer level with this playing in the background, not like Sonic 3 even though that's the sound driver you used, but something completely different that I can't quite describe.

Great work dude! Why the hell hasn't someone gotten you on board to score a whole video game by now?

The song itself is pretty cool and gives me some real REM vibes, the sound quality's kind of poor though and the instrumental really overshadows the vocals. I'd suggest recording the vocals and instrumental seperately so you could mix them better.

Overall, this could make for a great song with a little more polish, good work!

Phisolophe313 responds:

Thx man! I just used my phone for recording. I spent a lot of time studying audio engineering in the last 2 years or so tho. I'm getting better. Msybe i'll put more stuff on here, but idk, it's kind of a waste of hard work.

Pretty good podcast so far, all it needs now is some paid sponsorships!

DomAndFroShow responds:

We should actually have something lined here pretty soon!

Recent Art Reviews

52 Art Reviews

Aww man!
I cannot begin to express how much I miss Sly and the gang!!!
Best games I've ever played, full stop!!!

Great art, brings me back to happier days.

Aww, he looks like a frustrated little ham.

I love this frustrated little ham man!

What a rad lookin' dude!

Life is full of regrets, Garfield.

Rockabilly Shears @BillyRedSnake

Age 26, Male

Regular Cartoonist

University of Science


Joined on 9/3/16

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B/P Bonus:
1y 2m 1d