Life is full of regrets, Garfield.

Rockabilly Shears @BillyRedSnake

Age 26, Male

Regular Cartoonist

University of Science


Joined on 9/3/16

Exp Points:
5,163 / 5,380
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.38 votes
Art Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 2m 1d

BillyRedSnake's News

Posted by BillyRedSnake - August 16th, 2023

Evening, dollar signs, I mean denizens! Remember me?

Billy Shears, creator of PunkCartoons.com and former Newgrounds loyalist! Well, have I got an announcement for you lot, I've just opened an Etsy store! And what's in that store? Why, a brand new 28 page digital comic book available for $3.99 of course!

So if you've got four bucks to spare and you've been chomping at the bit to get your hands on some new BillyRedSnake material, hop on over to FinestKindComics.etsy.com and grab yourself an instant download of my new book, Rasputin Cosmic Defender.




Posted by BillyRedSnake - May 7th, 2023


Because there's no real reason for me to be here unless I'm watching cartoons or playing games, neither of which I need to be logged in for.

So there's two places on the internet you can find me:

  • If you're a fan of my work and want to see more of it, then you'll want to head over to my official website PunkCartoons.com where I post three weekly comic strips, each updated every Saturday morning.
  • I also sometimes hang out on this site called Poasting.com which is a hip new BBS forum dedicated to having a laugh, a conversation, and just some all around good fun. It's pretty indie, pretty underground, never been anything like it before in the history of maybe forever, just don't show up and start acting the fool, fools ain't cool.

So there you have it, that's where I am. Newgrounds? More like Oldgrounds because, well it's a far older website than the two I've listed and I don't really use it all that much anymore.


Posted by BillyRedSnake - March 23rd, 2023


Tom finally took my advice and permabanned everyone I don't like from the forum!

Granted, he also banned everyone else in the process, but those are mere casualties of war, mutually assured destruction as the late great President Harry Truman said... Or was that Eisenhower? One of the Cold War fellas.

But by golly, is it ever a bummer that the one thing I ever got the front page for was a tribute to a now defunct section of the website.

Sayonara fellas, it was fun, but also very very stupid.


Posted by BillyRedSnake - October 8th, 2022

I make this post not as a groundling but rather as someone who has found new grounds... Wait no!!!

I make this post in hopes of advertising my website to those who've chosen to follow me on the single website on which I've had any semblance of a noteworthy following...

Well, the single website I haven't thrown a tirade and deleted my account off of anyway.

If you are reading this then it means you or a loved one has at one point or another been charmed by either my work or my personality, as one naturally would. While I have outgrown Newgrounds I am still an active andy as ever, if not more active than ever on my personal website PunkCartoons.com, on which I am currently running comic strips that are free to the masses, and in the future hope to sell comics to the non-freeloaders of the world.

I shall likely not return to newgrounds in any permanent sense as I have grown beyond it in an effort to carve out my own personal identity. But, if you ever really gave a shit for anything I've contributed here, maybe check out my site and leave a comment.

For those that don't care, it's been good to know ya, as this is where we part. For those willing to follow me over to the new frontier, thank you.

The site is hosted on Neocities, so for those that use the service as well feel free to follow me HERE.

Otherwise... I can't exactly leave, as I haven't been here in a long long time.


Posted by BillyRedSnake - November 8th, 2021


Posted by BillyRedSnake - February 24th, 2021

So I found this Kickstarter for a seriously cool looking computer kit that looks like something straight out of what every 80s kid dreamed computers would look like by 2020.


It's gonna be lightweight, durable, customizable, and have a keyboard that's not totally dogshit like every laptop I've ever owned. Plus it's got a touch screen and good speakers if that means anything to you.

Go check out their Kickstarter or their website and if anything about it sounds appealing to you then preorder a model (Or 40, since that's one of their rewards for some reason I can't fathom) they've got everything from a $299 base model that you can customize from the ground up with your choice of boards and other such hardware to the $499 complete model that's ready to go out of the box.

(Note, all prices are in Canadian dollars, so adjust them to real money accordingly)

I know Kickstarter's totally lame now and has a bad reputation thanks to all the con-artists and inept morons who don't know what they're doing (Believe me, I've been burned before), but the guys running this one seem pretty legit. There's only a few days left on the deadline and I seriously want this thing to succeed, I'd much rather see the future of computers dominated by cool unique stuff like this from small companies rather than whatever trash CrApple and MicroShaft are shitting out.


Posted by BillyRedSnake - December 21st, 2020

I made a little Kenny model.


Ya know, because what the fuck else would I have made?


Posted by BillyRedSnake - December 18th, 2020

To my dearest @TomFulp

I've been trying out the new Movie Portal over the past couple days, and if I may be so bold...


I have some notes.

First and foremost, after using the new Portal for a while, I'm happy to say that my initial trepidations have been thoroughly and undisputedly cancelled out. I thought for sure I was going to dislike the layout just as I did back when the very same change was made to the Art Portal, which I dislike to this day because of how easy it is to click out of the page and lose your spot on the endlessly scrolling list, a flaw that I always thought could be solved simply by having all submissions open in a new tab by default.

Fortunately, the Movie Portal has solved this issue almost completely and in a far more extravagant way than I would've thought of thanks to the new player's in-page viewing option which allows you to watch every movie in a non-stop playlist which, I've gotta say, is pretty freaking great! It's been a while since I've watched as many cartoons on here as I have in the past two days and I think this will do a lot of good in holding audience attention!

Of course, just like anything else in its relative infancy, there are aspects that can be improved, such as the biggest problem that I saw from the very beginning.

With a non-stop automatic playlist like this, it's easy to go through a number of cartoons and forget to check out the artist's page, as I did a few times before remembering to go back and favorite them afterward.

I think the in-page audio player has a near perfect system where you can favorite a track as it is playing, a feature which is more or less a necessity to carry over to the movie player. With that in mind, I think both players are in dire need of some way to follow the artists right within the page.

Another thing that came to mind was how the new setup might make it easier to overlook the voting aspect, but then I realized this probably wouldn't be as important considering the fact that most playlists wouldn't include under judgement movies anyway. So I considered the idea of a middle ground where monthly voting becomes more emphasized, maybe set up a new system where it's rewarded with XP? Or maybe even a new version of monthly voting where instead of a top-ten list users just rate all the submissions they watched like they probably should've done in the first place.

I don't know how difficult this would all be to set up as my programming knowledge peaks at <a href="newgrounds.com">Linking something</a> but I just figured I'd share some ideas and observations instead of just being the dick who says "Ugh, the new layout sucks, why can't everything just stay exactly like it was back when I first joined the site?" because that's not a productive mindset for anyone.

So that's pretty much it, in-player favorite/follow buttons and maybe some kind of voting shortcut, more emphasized monthly voting, and art/game links opening in a new tab by default until the point they get their own in-page player since that seems to be the direction Newgrounds is going in.


Posted by BillyRedSnake - October 22nd, 2020

Welcome to the comedy zone, bitches!

I hit the double sex number!!!



Posted by BillyRedSnake - October 9th, 2020

For those of you who don't know, I have a website, and for those of you who do know, I just made two new additions to it!

The first addition is a page I've named The RedSnake Report which is basically a little update blog where I talk about things I'm working on, thoughts I have, and other various things going on with me.

The second addition is the Comics Section where I intend to post all of my future short comic series. As of right now you can go there and read my oldest surviving comic "STUART!!!", a full-fledged 20-page book that I haven't really posted anywhere until now...

It's almost like I'm putting out new material! New material that's of a significantly lower quality than my actual new material, but I digress.

And before anyone asks, no I'm not completely abandoning Newgrounds, not in the foreseeable future anyway. I'm setting up my own website for two reasons, autonomy and brand recognition.

  • Autonomy because in the event that something happens to Newgrounds in the future "The servers shut down, Tom sells the site, or something else out of my control happens" then I'll have my own website that I have full control over with every line of HTML backed up on my computer so even if something happens to my host I can just migrate it over to a new one with a few copy/pastes.
  • Brand recognition because it looks a lot better when you have your work showcased on your own website rather than a social media/art sharing site profile. Which do you think looks better on a business card, "BillyRedSnake.Newgrounds.com" or "PunkCartoons.com"? That's just the way I see it.